High School SRE

What is SRE? 

SRE is short for Special Religious Education. Distinct from general religious education (GRE) in which children learn about multiple faiths and cultures which is part of normal classroom lessons, SRE provides specific education about a nominate faith system. This may be Christian however in many school there are other faith based SRE class. SRE is taught by people who represent their faith, are authorised, trained and may be voluntary or paid.

Do all children participate in SRE?

No, not all children participate in SRE. Only children whose parents have nominated for them to participate in SRE participate. 

What do children learn in SRE?

Students completing SRE provided through the TBCE are taught the basics of the christian faith. They are taught about Jesus Christ and encouraged to think about what it means to live in a way consistent with what Jesus taught.

Who teaches SRE in Tomaree High School?

The TBCE employs an SRE Teacher to teach all SRE classes in Tomaree High School. This teacher is trained and authorised according to state government requirements.. 

How would my child have SRE?

In line with the legislation surrounding the provision of SRE, 1 hour per fortnight is allocated for SRE lessons

Crosses and books on a wooden table


The authorised curriculum used for the SRE program in Tomaree High School is called, 'Think Faith' and produced by CEP. 

The curriculum is written by a dynamic and trusted team of teachers, theologians and SRE practitioners, Think Faith is an educationally-solid, age-appropriate and flexible resource which provides a learning framework for nurturing, equipping and guiding students in their understanding of the Christian faith.

The curriculum aims to:

  • engage students with the Bible
  • encourage students to think more deeply about the beliefs and tenets of the Christian faith
  • provide students with opportunities to develop skills in Christian practices
  • provide students with the tools to consider issues from a Christian world view
  • help students connect their learning with how Christians are called to live.

The units covered in Years 7-8 as outlined in the scope and sequence below are:

If you would like further information about the curriculum please contact either CEP or the 'Think Faith Website' or make an enquiry via our contact page  or click the button below to download a copy of the curriculum.

SRE Teaching outline pic